Tuesday, November 5, 2013

1st Semester Review

The following is a list of items to review in preparation of the 1st semester final exam.  This review may be completed using your textbook and by viewing listed videos.  Please remember that all tutoring sessions will be held Monday and Wednesday mornings in G53A.

1) Define Chemistry
2) List the 5 branches of chemistry
3) Explain matter
4) Explain mass
5) Explain qualitative data
6) Explain quantitative data
7) Explain weight
8) Explain scientific method
9) What is a hypothesis?
10) What is a control?
11) What is an independent variable?
12) What is a dependent variable?
1)  Define density and isolate the density equation d = m / v for each term.
2)  Define buoyant force
3)  Explain accuracy.
4) Explain precision.
5) Please work all practice problems in the chapter.
6) Review the conversion factors in Table 2-2
7) Review scientific notation and the resolution of exponents.
8) Convert degrees C to Kelvin. (degrees C + 273= K)
9) Review the rules for significant figures on page 39
10) Review the rules for rounding numbers on page 40.
11) Review all key equations and relationships on page 49.
1) Explain what a substance is (pure substance)
2) List and give the characteristics of the three states of matter
3)  What is a compound?
4) What is a mixture?
5) What is a homogeneous mixture?
6) What is a heterogeneous mixture?
7) What is a solution?
8) Please explain filtration
9) Please explain distillation
10) Please explain crystallization
11) Please explain chromatography
12) What is an element?
13) Explain the law of definite proportions
14) Explain percent by mass
15) Explain the law of multiple proportions
16) Explain physical change
17) Explain Chemical change
18) Explain physical property
19) Explain chemical property
20) Explain extensive property
21) Explain intensive property
22) What is a vapor?
23) Explain the Law of Conservation of Mass
1)  Explain Democritus's atomic theory.
2) Why was Democritus theory rejected by others?
3) Explain John Daltons' atomic theory.
4) Which part of Daltons' atomic theory was incorrect?
5) Explain the discovery of the electron by J.J. Thomson.
6) Explain the cathode ray experiment carried out by Thomson.
7) What is the mass of an electron?
8) Why is Ernest Rutherford called the father of the nuclear atom?
9) Please expalin the Gold Foil experiment.
10) Explain Rutherfords' atomic theory.
11) Who discovered the nuetron?
12) What does the atomic number of an atom represent?
13)  What is the atomic mass of an atom?
14) What is an isotope?
15) What is the atomic mass of an element?
16) What is meant by the term radioactivity?
17) What is radiation?
18) Please expalin alpha decay.
19) Please explain Beta decay.
20) Please explain Gamma decay.
1) What is electromagnetic radiation?
2) What is wavelength?
3) What is the frequency of a wave?
4) What is the amplitude of a wave?
5) What is the crest of a wave?
6) What is the trough of a wave?
7) Please explain the electromagnetic spectrum.
8) What is a quantum?
9) What is the photoectric effect?
10) What is the energy of a photon? (Energy = planks constant/frequency page 124)
11) Please explain the Bohr Model of the atom.
12) What is the Heinsenberg uncertainty principle?
13) Please expalin the Aufbau Principle.
14) Explain Hunds' Rule.
15) Explain the Pauli Exclusion Principle.
16) Explain the principle quantum numbers and the s, p, d, and f orbitals.
17) What are valance electrons
18) Ensure that you can draw Lewis dot structures of the representative elements.
1) Explain Demitri Mendeleevs work on the periodic table
2) Explain the periodic table as presented by Moseley.
3) Explain the arrangement of the periodic table by group names and periods.
4) Expalin the trends of the periodic table in terms of atomic radius, ionic radius, ionization energy, and electronegativity.
5)  Explain the octet rule.

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